Saturday, April 6, 2013

How to beat Worry - 1

How to beat Worry - 1

You can accomplish anything you set your mind to,
if you will stop worrying about your problems.

Of course it is a lot easier to talk about beating the Worry Card,
than to actually stop Playing the Worry Card.
I have the type of personality where I will wake up
in the middle of the night worrying about any type of problem.
This Worry Card saps your energy levels.
I find myself in the morning focusing on negativity
if I have been worrying at night.
But I have found that the more I worry about a situation,
the worse it seems to get.

I am not suggesting that we Play the Ostrich Card,
and pretend that we don't have a problem.
This will only lead to more anxiety
because the problem was never dealt with.

Instead place the Worry Card back on the table,
and Play the Grace Card.
If we don't do this we will find the Worry Card
will attract the Fear and Anxiety Cards into our hand.

The Grace Card on the other hand
will empower you to deal with the situation,
because you will have an inner conviction
that the solution is on its way to you.
You will have a confidence to tackle any problem,
so that you can easily reject the Worry Card
when someone tries to Play it to you,
like this,
" You ought to be very concerned about that situation ".

Cease striving and fighting,
allow the Grace Card to work for you.

Omega Course

Copyright - Omega Course - Craig Holme - 2013


Saturday, February 11, 2012

This is How you remind me of Who I really am

This is How you remind me of Who I really am - Part 2 .

Reconnecting with your Partner is easier than you think ,
and therein lies the hidden Key ,
which we will reveal as we develop this Series .

Quite often continual fault finding of those around us
is a symptom of deep dissatisfaction with our own lives .

My own personality trait tends to
 occasionally become overly critical of people ,
unless I apply this easy Key .
When I find myself nit-picking at others ,
I try to remind myself of this principle ,
and when I do I feel happier with myself and others immediately .

We need to realise that when we are focusing on others weaknesses ,
we are in actuality looking at our own shortcomings .
No amount of navel gazing can fix your weaknesses ,
so just relax and go with the flow ,
and accept who you were created to be .

We are going to discover in the next parts of this Series ,
just how easy it is to be happy with your Partner .
The grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence ,
it starts with you and I now .

Copyright - Omega Course - Craig Holme - 2012 .

This is How you remind me of Who I really am

This is How you remind me of Who I really am - Part 1

If you are having difficulties in your relationship,
 it is easy to start fault finding with your partner .
 telling your Partner their faults and weaknesses will only make your relationship worse .
No matter how many times you point out that person's shortcomings ,
they will not improve .
In fact , it seems like the more you remind them of it ,
the worse they get ,
and this increases your frustration .

Ok , criticism hasn't worked ,
so why not try a new aprroach ?

In the next part of this Series ,
we will discuss how to renew your connection with your Partner .
The solution will surprise you .
You're doing it the hard way , are you ready for the easy way ?

Copyright - Omega Course - Craig Holme - 2012 .