Saturday, February 11, 2012

This is How you remind me of Who I really am

This is How you remind me of Who I really am - Part 1

If you are having difficulties in your relationship,
 it is easy to start fault finding with your partner .
 telling your Partner their faults and weaknesses will only make your relationship worse .
No matter how many times you point out that person's shortcomings ,
they will not improve .
In fact , it seems like the more you remind them of it ,
the worse they get ,
and this increases your frustration .

Ok , criticism hasn't worked ,
so why not try a new aprroach ?

In the next part of this Series ,
we will discuss how to renew your connection with your Partner .
The solution will surprise you .
You're doing it the hard way , are you ready for the easy way ?

Copyright - Omega Course - Craig Holme - 2012 .

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